Here are the rules and requirements for the directory.
The rules
Here is a list of do's and don'ts as well as things that are acceptable in your character's description.
--The do's
--Include height and weight (it must be reasonable like
Height: 2'6" {' can also mean feet " can also mean inches}
Weight: 114lbs.)
--Include name
--Include personality
--Include former pack
--Include desired rank
--Include mother
--Include father
--Include siblings
--Include body structure
--Include fur color(s)
--Include eye color(s)
--Include a history (this is a must if your character has a scar, marking, or physical disability, other wise it is optional)
--The don'ts
--Give your character special powers
--Make your character a he*l-hound
--Make your character super strong
--Make your character impossible to kill
--The acceptables
--Giving your character spirit powers
--Giving your character a disability (blind, broken paw, scars, etc.)
--Giving your character markings (you must include an explaination of how they got it)
You must write a description and have it moved to the approved chaacters forum by me before you can start RPing in this section.
If you wish to be in the Night Pack you must say so in your description. Please note that if you join the night pack you may not join another pack. This applies to you only if you have another character it does not apply to them you yourself can be in the Night Pack and you can have another character in the Mist Bloods or the Comet Trail Pack.