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 About the Comet Trail Pack

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Aries Posts : 112
Join date : 2011-01-29
Age : 28
Location : Wouldn't you like to know?

About the Comet Trail Pack Empty
PostSubject: About the Comet Trail Pack   About the Comet Trail Pack EmptyFri Feb 18, 2011 5:39 pm

About the pack
The Comet Trail Pack (CTP) is not like most packs. While there is an Alpha pair to lead the pack and enforce the rules the real governing of the pack comes from the Elder Counsel which coincidentally the Alpha pair is a part of.

--The rules
--Here is a list of do's and don'ts as well as things that are acceptable.

----The don'ts
----Use of proffanity
----Use of inappropriate launguage
----Use of mature content in your posts (if you're mates with one of the pack members just pretend you did it please)
----Making faulty accusations
----Killing or attacking the Elder Counsel, Alpha pair, or other pack members
----Breaking the rank rules

----The do's
----Encourage others
----Be friendly
----Help others in need
----Participate in pack hunts
----Have fun
----Participate in pack activities

----The acceptables
----Speaking against an order
----Showing affection towards another pack member (as long as it doesn't get too serious)
----Rough housing
----Play fighting

--The punishments
--Here is a list of punishments for breaking the rules.

----For attacking a member of the Elder Counsel, Alpha pair, or another pack member
------For this the punishment will be equal to the damage inflected on said CTP member
----For killing a member of the Elder Counsel, Alpha pair, or another pack member
------For this the punishment will be death
----For use of proffanity, inappropriate language, or mature content
------The first time you will get a warning PM
------The second time you will get a warning PM
------The third time you will get demoted a rank
------The fourth time you will get a slash on your side
------The fifth time you will be expelled from the pack
----For making faulty accusations
------You will have the tip of your left ear removed
----For stealing
------You will get a slash on your face
----For breaking the rank rules
------You will get a nip on your side and a slash on your face

--The ranks
--This list goes in order of authority from the highest command at the top to lowest command at the bottom.

----Elder: Main authority: First to eat
----Alpha: Leader of the pack and advisor to the Elders: first to eat
----Beta: Next in line after the Alpha and the Alpha's body guard: Second to eat
----Delta: Advisor to the Alpha's: Third to eat
----Lead warrior: Leader of the warrior class: Third to eat
------Warrior: Pack warrior: Fourth to eat
--------Assasin: Role classified: Fourth to eat
----Lead scout: Leader of the scout class: Third to eat
------Scout: Pack territory survalence: Fourth to eat
--------Spy: Role classified: Fourth to eat
----Pup sitter: Watches over the Alpha pair's pups while the pack is hunting: Second to eat
----Healer: Herbalist and Pup sitter assistant: Third to eat
----Omega: Peace keeper of the pack: Last to eat

Current Alpha Male
--Void (WQ: Ta1ls)

Current Alpha Female
--Frost (WQ: Jazzy_love102)

For more on the Night Pack go to the site here
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