P.A.W stands for Protect America's Wolves. It's a team concerning increasing wolf awareness, education, and conservation.
The wolf is a very beautiful and strong animal, but due to lack of education people have viewed the wolf as a man-eater and a creature that should not exist. Ranchers in yellowstone particularly have this view as do many big game hunting clubs.
Please join this team, there is no limit to how many members can join. We need to do something about the negative view of wolves before it's too late and wolves become just exhibits in meuseums. The Mexican wolf has already gone extinct in the wild and now only lives in captivity. Also one of the rarest canines in the world, the Ethiopian wolf is in a state of critical endangerment and the Ethiopian government refuses to help.
Ranks of the group include:
Cooardinator-this rank is currently closed
Reasercher-members of this rank will find information about wolf behaviors in the wild
Reporter-once you join the team you are automatically assigned this rank. You can post anything you know about wolves and post them in this topic. Please make sure they are actual facts.
I will hold contests every now and then so check back often for updates.
Current contests:
Team logo
Team artwork
PM me for details if you wish to enter one or both of the contests